UPDATED – no longer free but still some great patterns
If you’ve been quilting even for a short time then you’ve probably heard of Fons and Porter and their fab quilting magazine. They also have a website chock full of information and today I’m going to have a look at the selection of Fons Porter Patterns. First though, let’s have a brief look at the Fons Porter history and how they got to where they are today.
Marianne Fons Bio
Marianne Fons has been quilting for over 3 decades and started around the time of the American Bicentennial in 1976 when she was 25. She won a blue ribbon at a state fair in Iowa in 1979 with her first “significant” quilt. In an interview over at APQS (long arm quilting machines) she says “there wasn’t much competition!”
Marianne took a basic quilting class and that’s where she met Liz Porter, which then resulted in them forming a club. She started to teach quilting in the 70s through the 80s and then she started writing quilting books. This eventually led to the well-known TV show and then to the magazine and website. Marianne’s daughter Mary now works with her since the retirement of Liz Porter.
Liz Porter Bio
Liz Porter started quilting in the late 70 when she lived on an “out in the sticks” farm with her 2 small children. Her Grandma and Great-grandma were both quilters so she grew up fascinated by this craft. She is mainly a self-taught quilter but asked for help from her elderly babysitter and even older Mother when she got stuck!
From here her bio reads much the same as Marianne’s and between them they have written many books including the well-known and popular “Quilters Complete Guide. She has now retired to spend more time with her Grandchildren and quilting has once again become a hobby for her
Fons Porter Free Patterns
Fons and Porter have many free resources on their website “Love of Quilting” including their good selection of Fons Porter free patterns. The patterns are grouped into sections and easy to access, here are some of them:
Appliqué –There are 5 designs in this section but my favorite is “Palm Trees” inspired by Hawaii. This applique pattern would look great at the center of your quilt and would enhance the look of an Hawaiian themed room.
A close second is the pretty “Autmun Leaves” pattern. This pattern is a great way to use your fabric scraps (we all have them!).
Embroidery – These free embroidery patterns are for digital embroidery machines, come in “ZIP” file formats for you to download and are available for a variety of machines.
I don’t do much embroidery but am tempted to try the “Dove Quilt” pattern, it really is very pretty! the other patterns are: Digital Thread Quilt Painting, Embroidered Basket, Falling Leaves,and Herky Jerky Kites Design.
Bonus Quilts – There are THREE pages of free quilt patterns here, I definitely agree with the “bonus” description! From the charming “Wine and Lime” wall hanging to the beautiful “Heart and Soul” bed quilt pattern; there’s something for everyone in this section.
Quilt Designs – There are even more quilting projects on this page, I particularly like the “Keepsake Quilting Batik Bag,” it’s going on my list of “projects to make.” The “Autumn at the Courthouse” is made using the ever popular log cabin blocks is another favorite, a bit tricky to do being at the intermediate level but still one I’d like to try.
Love of Knitting – A few free knitting patterns in here, although I was surprised to see them! Thinking about it though, in my experience most quilters/sewers also do a bit of knitting, I know I do. I love the baby sweater and knitted blanket, this is one I’ll make for my Granddaughter.
The ribbon wrap is an interesting one, made by sewing ribbon and yarns together using a water soluble film to sandwich the layers together. I haven’t seen this technique before but it’s very effective, gives a shimmery effect to the wrap.
Size Charts – A really useful addition to this section, with pages of size charts for a whole raft of different designs. I see so many nice quilt patterns it’s good to see instructions for sizing for your chosen project
These are just a few of the patterns available, to see the whole collection of Fons Porter free quilt patterns pop over to their website and choose your next project!
Hi Kathy,
I really enjoyed reading this. I especially love the the quilted bag and ribbon wrap. They look quite interesting. Maybe I will find some free time soon to try one of them out!
Glad you enjoyed your visit, I like the free quilted bag pattern too!
These quilts are beautiful great work. Great ideas in the article thanks.
Glad you enjoyed your visit to Tools for Quilting, there are certainly some beautiful free quilt patterns in the article. Thanks for the comment.
Hi Kathy. I didn’t realize that there were free Fons Porter patterns. Now I’m going to have to check them out. I personally love embroidery, so that will be fun for me. Also, the “heart and soul” bed quilt has caught my eye. It is beautiful! Thanks for sharing and I will be looking this up.
There are lots of beautiful free quilt patterns aren’t there. I haven’t done much embroidery but the embroidery section in the Fons Porter free patterns has inspired me to do more! Thanks for leaving a comment.
I’ve got an aunt that quilts daily. I’m going to send this to her.
She’ll love the Fons Porter free patterns if she’s a quilter, the website is fab too with everything you want to know about quilting! Thanks for the comment.
Hi. I’m not a quilter but my niece was talking about quilting the other day AND she’s really into kites and kiting, so that kite design looks like something she could be interested in. I’ll pass on your link!
The kite quilt blocks are quite simple to do tell her, and there’s lots of choice with the Fons Porter free patterns! Thanks for leaving a comment.
Thanks for the free quilt patterns, its always nice to start with something small and having proof it works rather than investing money on something you may not be able to finish or enjoy.
Fons and Porter do great free patterns, always a bonus especially if you’re just starting out. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.
It’s so awesome they have freebies to offer and it look so beautiful! I will surely tell this to my wife!
Yes, let your wife know about the Fons Porter free patterns, everyone loves a freebie! Thanks for leaving a comment.
G’day, can you please tell me how to find the free pattern I saw on Face Book today, called Court House quilt.
It actually says….. Fons & Porter Autumn at Courthouse.
Hi Glenda, they no longer have free quilt patterns I’m afraid. I’ve updated the post to reflect this, they still have some great patterns though, Courthouse quilt included and not expensive!
Where can I purchase series 3200 magazine? I’m looking for pattern berry blue 3210. Thanks.
Is this the one you’re looking for? https://www.quiltingcompany.com/store/fons-and-porters-love-of-quilting-3200-tv-series-ebooklet
If not, I would suggest emailing them.
I am looking for the Moon Hopper quilt pattern shown on show #3304, but I cannot find it. Do you know where I can find it? I’d like to make it for my granddaughter’s wedding gift. Thank you!
My best suggestion is to email Fons Porter, I’m not finding the pattern with a search. Scroll to the bottom of this page to contact them: https://www.quiltingcompany.com/fons-porter-blog-fons-porter/
This pattern is available in an ebooklet. I found it by searching Series 3300 Fons and Porter ebooklet. Right now it is on sale and downloadable for $8.99 from $17.99. Hope this helps.
I came in on the last part of your program where you had a square of fabric (14×14 or 12×12). You cut another piece of material the exact same measurement and then cut this square on the diaganale. The diagnol was then sewed to the square, This was apparently repeated for all 4 sides. But I am not sure how to handle/ If you know the pattern I am talking about please let me know and I will purchase it. Your attention to this is appreciated.
You can email Fons Porter about this, they like to help!
Are the free patterns no longer available? Keep getting 404 error, missing files
Yes, I’m afraid they removed the free patterns. However, the patterns they have are inexpensive and worth a look.
I cannot find the area to leave a tip to make our sewing easier. I watch the weekly program and want to win a subscription! Can you help me?
If you contact Fons Porter directly they should be able to help
Is Fire and Ice pattern available?
If you contact Fons Porter directly they should be able to let you know
I am trying to download the free quilt pattern unfortunately I am not able to find this pattern can you please help?
The free quilt pattern in out of The Love of QUILTING easy quilts magazine winter of 2010
The bonus quilt pattern is named Table Tinsel by Chloe Anderson and Colleen Reale, fabrics by Robert Kaufman. I really want this pattern therefore I would appreciate any help in resolving this matter.
Denice Jackson
Hi Denice, If you scroll to the bottom of this page https://www.quiltingcompany.com/Quilt/table-tinsel-free-table-runner-quilt-pattern/, you see a contact link. I would email them and ask where you can download the pattern from.
Actually, I just found the PDF download: https://www.quiltingcompany.com/wp-content/uploads/pdf/FP-A-2866_TableTinsel_WEB.pdf?ranMID=43012&ranEAID=je6NUbpObpQ&ranSiteID=je6NUbpObpQ-9rYXC_q11yDKXFuJ1tLdfg
I was looking for a pattern of a quilt shown in the McCall’s Quilting Magazine May/June 2020 page 73.
Would love to get the pattern.
Hi Sheila
Perhaps try emailing the company, this is the website: https://subscriptions.mccallsquilting.com/
All in the world I want is a glue stick & some refills and I can’t seem to get anywhere on your
websites. Can anybody help???
Tip silicone pot holder from dollar store keeps foot pedal from sliding around works hard surface or carpet (read in murder mystery novel about a quilt guild).
Small command hook attached to front of machine holds thread nippers up out of the way but still in easy reach
You can look through and also ask in their Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/FonsandPorter/
You can also contact their media office. https://peakmediaproperties.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
I’m trying to find a Fons and Porter ceramic chalk pen. Does anyone know where to get one?
I purchased the quilter’s paper piecing workbook. It has excellent projects to paper piece. The problem I have is there is NO cd in this book with the pattern templates. Is there anyway I can download the pattern templates? I could just order another book and hope it has it, but that can get expensive. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you
I am looking for a pattern for “hop scotch “ quilt. I have moved and haven’t quilted for some time. I am ready to start again and have about 8 blocks done but cannot find any directions
. Could you help me 
I was trying to find the area for your free patterns. The site did not become available. Are you able to send me a good link for the free patterns or can you email me the free patterns. Thank you in advance.